Melissa is an ICF-certified coach in addition to nearly 20 years of experience in leadership development and training. She helps others build on their strengths, identify thought and behavioral patterns, and overcome challenges to step into their next level of extraordinary both personally and professionally.
Melissa believes self-aware and empowered leaders have the capability to bring new life to an organization. This often requires self-reflection, determination, focus, and commitment. Leaders who can access their greatest strengths and are willing to be challenged have the potential to accomplish huge wins.
Melissa is passionate about coaching leaders, because she sees the influential power of liberated leaders. Through her personalized discovery~define~design approach, leaders strategically and efficiently move forward to accomplish their goals.
Melissa does individual and group coaching as well as workshops. Some of her partners include Lead Belay, Leaders Q, Laisren, and Four Streams Coaching School.
To call individuals and teams to their next level of extraordinary, both personally and professionally
Melissa has leadership development experience both in the international and domestic contexts. She has worked with non-profit and corporate organizations with leaders of every level.
Melissa is committed to helping leaders identify their values, define their legacy, overcome challenges, and step into their next level of extraordinary.
Melissa believes her first role as a coach is to create a judgement-free space for you to pause and identify your values and beliefs.
It is her privilege as a coach, to equip you with powerful and effective tools to confidently move forward toward your goals.
Together, you can design a roadmap to ensure that you stay on course.
Melissa offers a range of coaching services, including one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and workshops.
Contact RCC today to schedule a free discovery call. Now is the time to step into your next level
of extraordinary.
Royal Coaching Colorado HONORS clients' values, beliefs, and goals above all else. By listening to our clients, upholding their values, and appropriately challenging them, we want to honor clients and help them reach their greatest potential.
Royal Coaching Colorado upholds a high standard of EXCELLENCE in everything we do. Whether it's coaching or workshops, excellence is not negotiable. Just the same, we partner with clients to draw out their highest level of excellence.
Stepping into the next level of extraordinary requires GROWTH. Even though change can be uncomfortable, it's worth it. RCC journeys alongside clients as they GROW in ways that are in alignment with their core values.
Royal Coaching Colorado